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Related popular Instagram hashtags: #Mentalhealth #Mentalhealthawareness #Authentic #Keepit100 #Keepitreal Trends that started with a bang Instead, limit your strategy to longer-term trends and time your posts accordingly.

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Don’t respond to every single incident that happens in the news or that begins trending.For example, when it comes to self-care and mental health, use a post to offer resources and lend support (don’t use it as an opportunity to sell your brand, however). This takes some careful calibration, as users are incredibly good at sniffing out posts that seem too self-serving. Ensure that all of your content remains authentic to your brand.Some of the organic Instagram trends you want to keep your eye on include: Whether that’s a new set of popular Instagram hashtags or a powerful and trending new topic, it’s the often the users who guide what’s popular. Many of the latest and greatest Instagram fads originate with its incredibly diverse, powerful, and talented user group. Popular Instagram hashtags and trends that started small

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As a digital marketer or social media expert, you need to be prepared for all kinds of trends. In other instances, popular Instagram hashtags and trends will organically develop from the user base and catch on. Some trends are pushed by the platform-often for monetary purposes. Trends are the currency of the social media environment, so you need to position your brand accordingly. Attention spans are short and content is displayed merely for moments. It’s tempting to dismiss any trend as a simple fad, a short-lived and low yield attempt to cash in.īut marketers need to remember that social media is by its nature a fast-moving medium. Before we get into the trends and hashtags themselves, it’s worth saying a word or two in defense of trends.

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